Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Samuel is an all around fun loving all boy 2 year old. For the past five days Sammy has been caring around and old set of keys. The key have to go everywhere he goes, to bed, in the bath, if they are not in his hand they are in his pocket. Sammy is able to have a "Pocket no matter what he wears. His happens to be the neck of his shirt or pajamas. He puts everything in his pocket his keys, his cup a favorite toy. The one thing Sammy has decided not to put in his pocket is a hand full of cereal, especially when you are were your pajamas. Sammy love his P.J.s there is just one thing you need to be certain don't put jammys that have the feet cut out. He likes his " jammy shoes" on the pajamas. Sammy is a little performer and the whole world is his stage. But if you need to shine turn anything you can find upside and stand on it so you can sing and dance. He loves animals and he loves to fix everything. He can almost always pull out a tool from his "pocket so he can fix anything that needs to be fixed. He is also very loving. He will look up to you and say "I love you ...Mommy , Daddy" and everyone of the other kids names.