Thursday, October 8, 2009


Jason is a fun loving 7 year old. His favorite thing to say about any thing he does not want to do is it's boring. Jason love Disney cars and he loves to build things. He took his tools outside to the garage and with the extra 1x1 and some nails he was able to make his own airplane. then he used two craft sticks to make a propeller for the plane. Jason has a ton of interests, when he grows up he wants to be a paleontologist, who is also an architect. then he will also take the time to build some of his own buildings. in his spare times he thinks he will probably be a fireman. police man and a mail man because everyone loves to get mail. He also figures that he will be husband and daddy. So I guess he will be fairly busy and should have a lot of money because with all those jobs he will never have time to spend anything. Jason was recently a dust bunny, and last year he was a little bird.