Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ryan Luke

Ryan has learned to blow kisses so he goes around blowing kisses all day. Then he does his next trick which is to clap his hands and Cheer for himself. He also loves to give high five. He is very cute and social he is always standing up against things and then he climbs up onto something like the couch or Katie and Sammy's bed then he is stuck. Ryan has sleep through the night sense he was a month old and is the happiest baby I have seen, even when he is sick he has to stop and give you a big smile. He knows he is EverReady's baby.


Alex is now in the 6th grade. She is really growing up. She is just two inches shorter then me. She made the show choir this year. She also was an assistant director for the play. I don't know where I would be with out my Ally she is a great help. When I was sick inn bed she was always helping out. She babysits for me a lot and is able to cook dinner. It is weird to think of her being so grown up. she is developing some which I don't think I am ready for. She can hardly wait for her birthday because she gets to start wearing some makeup, and she gets to wear earring that dangle a little bellow the earlobe. She has become friends with a whole group of girls and has a best friend at school and a best friend who lives in the neighborhood. To Alex each day is either the best day ever or the worse day ever. She can be quite bossy to the other children which I guess is part of being the oldest. Her and Emily are usually the very best of friends but when they have a fight everyone better get out of the way. Alex loves crafts and cooking she especially loves to read. She usually reads 1000 pages a week plus does all her other activities.


Emy is a lot like Katie in that she love princesses. She Loves pink and ahe loves dresses, but Emily is okay with not dressing up every day. Emily finds school quit easy and was put in a5th /6th split this year. She is friendly with everyone. and is a very loving girl. This year she did not make the school play which was a great disappointment because she had made it the two years before. Emily loves doing plays and has been in several different plays with her grandma. She is really good at helping with the little kids. She wants to learn to sew and she loves doing crafts. Emily is always willing to let the younger kids come up to her at school and give her a big hug. (Alex and David don't want the other kids to.) Emily gets to help in the library most Fridays and is a wonderful student, write now her lowest grade is an A-. Emily loves to read also and her favorite books are ones about fairies but the Disney fairies are probably her favorite of all.


David is well David. He loves anything star wars. He loves several different types of books. It took David a little bit to read well but wants he learned to do it he learned to love it. We have found that we can have him work toward earning books to help with whatever change we want to take place with David. David is in the 4th grade. He is in concert choir again this year. He tied out for the show choir but he did not make it. We tried to prepare him that he might not make it because very rarely do the 4th grader make the show choir. Your best chance of making it is in 6th. He was very distraught when he did not make the play again this year, their will be another school play in December to try out for. The only problem is David usually feel embarrassed being in front of everyone. He has been in a few skits though and has enjoyed them. David love Pluto. he Loves be a cub scout and gets very excited to earn his different things with scouts. He has a goal to earn all his belt loops. He is doing a pretty good job of it.


Jason is a fun loving 7 year old. His favorite thing to say about any thing he does not want to do is it's boring. Jason love Disney cars and he loves to build things. He took his tools outside to the garage and with the extra 1x1 and some nails he was able to make his own airplane. then he used two craft sticks to make a propeller for the plane. Jason has a ton of interests, when he grows up he wants to be a paleontologist, who is also an architect. then he will also take the time to build some of his own buildings. in his spare times he thinks he will probably be a fireman. police man and a mail man because everyone loves to get mail. He also figures that he will be husband and daddy. So I guess he will be fairly busy and should have a lot of money because with all those jobs he will never have time to spend anything. Jason was recently a dust bunny, and last year he was a little bird.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009