Sunday, June 27, 2010


The end of the 2009-2010 school year brought two graduations to are family. The first one Alex graduated from the 6th grade. I know to many people this is not a big deal because all 6th grader move on to the 7th grade. Alex summed it up best when she said, "When Adults think of elementary students their minds automatically think of little kids; kindergärtner, first grader. They can't help it it is just the way adults think. When adults think of junior high students they think of teenagers 13 or 14 year olds. SO over night you go from being thought of as a 6 year old to being thought of as a 13 year old."

The second graduation was Brandon who graduated from kindergarten. What a wonderful year he had he grew-up so much. He really loved school and loves to learn, I look forward to seeing how much he can get out of school over the next several years.

Alex and Emily both made it threw the year with out having a missing or late assignment. Alex got the award for being the top reader in her class. Emily and Jason got awards for best citizen in their grade. David's and Brandon's teachers did not do awards. The Three oldest were all able to make the honor roll each and every quarter. (they do not do honor roll for 3rd grade and under.)

Over all we had a wonderful school year and will be looking forward to school starting again in August. I love having them home but I look forward to them going back in the "Fall" (if you can call August 18 fall). Although I think this year will be really hard to see my little Katie go off to school with the big kids.

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