Sunday, June 27, 2010

Jason's Birthday

June 7th brought Jason's 8th birthday. Their were times when I wondered if he would make it to this birthday with out me killing him. But most of the time Jason is such a happy and wonderful little boy. He loves horses and cowboys and was able to have a cowboy party. Jason has always loved horses so at Christmas time I cam across a cowboy Halloween costume clearanced down to $5 so I thought great I will buy him this. I then picked up a $3 cowboy hat from Walmart and a toy gun and sheriff badge. From that moment on Jason loved cowboys.

We had a lot of fun for his party. We had a shoot out with water guns, we jumped the rattle snakes. Took a jump rope and tied a rattle on to it then two of us used moved the snake back and forth and the kids jumped over it each time the rope got a little higher the goal was to be the last one not to be bitten by the snack (or have the rope hit you). We had a 3legged race and a potato sack race, We also lassoed cows and horses just like cowboys. We tool out the rocking cow and little rolling horse bike and used hula hoops for the lasso the kids tied to throw the lasso over the animal. Then we had a needle in the haystack. The kids had a wonderful time, Jason also realized it is good to come from a large family because when only one kid showed up he "had fiends already here with him."

Jason can hardly wait to be baptized next month. I am so proud of him for making this decision.

Pics coming soon also on other computer.

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