Sunday, June 27, 2010

Don't forget Ryan

Cool Face Painting!

Sammy's Birthday

On June 23 Sammy turned 3. He is so cute and funny and is Daddy's little boy. He is another one of my little angels. God blessed me greatly with my youngest 3 kids being easy kids. They are pretty agreeable and mind real well. They all can have their moments when they want to pull your hair out but for the most part they are just really good kids.

Sammy loves pink because his Katie loves pink. He loves cars trucks, dinosaurs, cowboys, guns balls and anything boy. At the same time en enjoys playing house and holding his baby Sammy, he plays in the pretend kitchen. He loves to dress up weather it is a supper hero or a dragon, Woody or Buzz. Sammy loves his brothers and sisters, he loves to protect his Ryan.

Sammy is very Christ like. he is quick to forgive, even the 19 month old who beats him up in nursery each week. but when the same 19month old hurt Ryan he threatened to have Daddy beat him up.

Katie's Birthday

June 23 is my Princess Katie's birthday. I can't believe she is 5. Katie has always been my angel princess. She is just a sweet heart and has been so easy for her mommy. To Katie the world is wonderful as long as it contains pink, lace, flowers and princesses. The day before her Birthday she got to go to the princess festival with Grandma. She had a wonderful time. We found the best stuff to make curls stay in it is called Noodle head and it works great her hair was still curly when she came home after spending about 5 hours in the car, and several hours running around the festival with Grandma.

Katie is always willing to help her mommy she loves her family and would do anything in the world for them. Katie recently asked me if prayers were true. I answered her of course they were. and she said well why is it that I have not become a princess yet I have been praying to become a princess. We were able to find a bool called daughter of a king. All about a little girl named Katie. Who is the daughter of a King sent to a family to raise. The King being Heavenly Father. And Katie needs to learn to be a true princess before she returns to her father some day. This book has become a favorite and now she knows her prayers are answered she truly is a princess.

Katie well tell you her favorite present she ever got was SAMMY. He was born on her birthday therefore he was her present. She has believed this scene she was 2 years old.

Jason's Birthday

June 7th brought Jason's 8th birthday. Their were times when I wondered if he would make it to this birthday with out me killing him. But most of the time Jason is such a happy and wonderful little boy. He loves horses and cowboys and was able to have a cowboy party. Jason has always loved horses so at Christmas time I cam across a cowboy Halloween costume clearanced down to $5 so I thought great I will buy him this. I then picked up a $3 cowboy hat from Walmart and a toy gun and sheriff badge. From that moment on Jason loved cowboys.

We had a lot of fun for his party. We had a shoot out with water guns, we jumped the rattle snakes. Took a jump rope and tied a rattle on to it then two of us used moved the snake back and forth and the kids jumped over it each time the rope got a little higher the goal was to be the last one not to be bitten by the snack (or have the rope hit you). We had a 3legged race and a potato sack race, We also lassoed cows and horses just like cowboys. We tool out the rocking cow and little rolling horse bike and used hula hoops for the lasso the kids tied to throw the lasso over the animal. Then we had a needle in the haystack. The kids had a wonderful time, Jason also realized it is good to come from a large family because when only one kid showed up he "had fiends already here with him."

Jason can hardly wait to be baptized next month. I am so proud of him for making this decision.

Pics coming soon also on other computer.

Emily's Birthday.

On June 4th my little girl turned 11. I can't believe how fast time goes. 11 years ago we brought home this tiny bundle with tons of almost clear hair home from the hospital in a June snow storm. Emily is a joy in our lives. her moods can change like a storm here one minute and gone the next. But she has always been a loving and caring little girl.

Emily has always loved dolls and babies. when she was about 2 she took and old wipes container and turned it in to a crib for baby "Migey Monster" (cookie monster). She then took four wipes and dried them out. She made one be a pillow, one a mattress and two blankets for her baby.

This is just one example of how caring Emily is. She truly wants to make sure everyone and everything is as happy as they can be.

I love you my "EMA"
pics coming soon on other computer.

The last day of school..


The end of the 2009-2010 school year brought two graduations to are family. The first one Alex graduated from the 6th grade. I know to many people this is not a big deal because all 6th grader move on to the 7th grade. Alex summed it up best when she said, "When Adults think of elementary students their minds automatically think of little kids; kindergärtner, first grader. They can't help it it is just the way adults think. When adults think of junior high students they think of teenagers 13 or 14 year olds. SO over night you go from being thought of as a 6 year old to being thought of as a 13 year old."

The second graduation was Brandon who graduated from kindergarten. What a wonderful year he had he grew-up so much. He really loved school and loves to learn, I look forward to seeing how much he can get out of school over the next several years.

Alex and Emily both made it threw the year with out having a missing or late assignment. Alex got the award for being the top reader in her class. Emily and Jason got awards for best citizen in their grade. David's and Brandon's teachers did not do awards. The Three oldest were all able to make the honor roll each and every quarter. (they do not do honor roll for 3rd grade and under.)

Over all we had a wonderful school year and will be looking forward to school starting again in August. I love having them home but I look forward to them going back in the "Fall" (if you can call August 18 fall). Although I think this year will be really hard to see my little Katie go off to school with the big kids.