Monday, November 30, 2009

My heart is full of Thanksgiving

November is a time to give thanks. As I sit here each day I have tried to think of at least one thing I am grateful for. This has gotten easier as the days go on; there are always things to be grateful for. For my blog, I decided that I would give a list of things I am grateful for. There could never be a finite list because as each day goes on I know you can find more things to add.

1. I am grateful for my Husband. I love him so much he is my best friend and he is there for me when I need him. He tries so hard to make me happy.
2. I am grateful that I am able to stay home and take care of my children.
3. I am grateful for my Alexandra, She is such a great help. She is wonderful with her younger brothers and sisters and she is growing to be a wonderful young lady.
4. I am grateful for Emily. She is a sweat girl who is so loving and kind she has made my life better. I am truly blessed to have her as a daughter.
5. I am grateful for David. He is often a challenge and I don’t always know what to do with him, but he is also very loving. He has a lot of potential and insight into things. He is very intelligent and I know he is a wonderful person and son.
6. I am grateful for my Jason. Jason has always been a joy in my life. He is a sweat little boy who is as cute as can be. He can have so much love to share I am glad that he to is apart of my family.
7. I am grateful for my Brandon. Brandon has always been so full of life and enthusiasm. He finds joy in everything he does. He is always willing to give a hug to those in need.
8. I am grateful for my Katie. Katie has always been my little princess and angel. I love everything about her. I love to sit and give her loves and to have her comb out mommy’s hair. I am grateful for her and all the joy she has brought into my life.
9. I am grateful for my Sammy He is my little bug who comes to great me every time I walk in the room. His loves are enough to make me any person feel special. He has always been so good natured and been a very easy going child.
10. I am grateful for my Ryan. My little Ry-Ry bread. I could never have asked for an easier baby. He has been a joy beyond belief. I am so grateful that God knew we needed him even when we did not. I can not imagine him in my life. His little grins and sweet kisses. The smells of his sweat little head. His hugs and his tears. I Love everything about Ryan and my family.
11. I am grateful for my house. I have enjoyed our house and all that it holds it is truly a home to us.
12. I am grateful, that I have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I don’t know where I would be with out it.
13. I am grateful that I was able to marry in God temple. That my family is able to be sealed together forever.
14. I am grateful that Eric has a job that pays our bills and supports our family.
15. I am grateful for my friends who have been there in my life when ever I need them weather it is just to have a long chat about nothing or to share and help me when I am down.
16. I am grateful for vehicles s that run and are in god condition to take me and my family were we need to go.
17. I am grateful for a wonderful school that my children attuned. I love tat they are getting a good education and that they get to enjoy so many extras in life. I feel they are getting the best possible education.
18. I am grateful that my husband and I both went to school and worked hard for our degrees. That we have the knowledge that comes with those degrees that will help us be better people and better providers and caregivers for our family.
19. I am grateful for date nights; the opportunity to get out even for just a while with the man that I love, and to rekindle that love.
20. I am grateful for my food storage and to know that we have worked hard to put away food so that if anything happened we would be able to feed our family for and extended period of time.
21. I am grateful for family vacations and the great memories the give us.
22. I am grateful for cameras and the opportunity we have to take pictures to capture that sweat moment in time and be able to go back and relive it over and over.
23. I am grateful for the medical technology we have today that can help us with all our medical needs. We no longer have to watch loved ones die as easily as they did even 100 years ago.
24. I am grateful that when I was in my scariest time, faced with the reality of leaving this life that God gave me the opportunity to talk with my father. I may never remember what was said to me for those 5 hours but the knowledge that I was with him, the knowledge that when I was so scared God let my father come back to care for me is one that I will always be truly grateful for.
25. I am grateful for my family of origin. I may be quit different then they are but I do love them all deeply. I have always felt like I was the white sheep of a black sheep family, but the love that I have for them will never end. None of us would be who we are today if we had not been born into the family we were born into.
26. I am grateful for the Christmas season. I love Christmas I can hardly wait to start putting up the lights. I love to listen to the music and sometimes listen to it in July. I love the memories that come from thinking about the holidays. I love to listen to Christmas stories and feel the spirit of the Lord touch my life.
27. I am grateful for bubble baths and candle lights that can take away all the stress of our life.
28. I am grateful for the ability to open a good book and take an adventure to any new place and time. I love to read. I love to read with my children, I love to read with the man of my dreams. Where would we be in this world with out the ability to read?
29. I am grateful for the change in the seasons. I love that things change there are different things to enjoy from each season and it is a wonderful thing to never get board.
30. I am grateful for me. I am grateful for the ability I have to love all that I have been given. I am grateful for my life and my family. I am grateful for my eyes that see, my body that feels, my ears that hears, and my nose that smells. I am grateful that I can taste so many wonderful things. Yes I am grateful for me.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ryan 2009 what a great year it has been.

Ryan loves to eat pasta, he is very happy to eat as long as he feeds himself. The only one who can otherwise feed him is Mommy, and Sammy as recently showed Ryan how to open his mouth big and wide for chocolate. He loves to play with the big kids weather it is at the park or at home. But in the end when you get tiered you just have to fall asleep.
Happy Birthday my Sweat little gut! You are mommy's favorite Ry-Ry bread. I will always love you and and always be hear to eat you up. I hope you have got as much enjoyment out of Ryan in 2009 as we have.

Ryan and Sammy are wonderful friends and playmates. Sammy loves teaching Ryan how to do new things like drive his firetruck.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

More of Ryan in 2009

Ryan has even had to play a girl a few times a dress up with bows. In the picture with him and the cat he is in a little dress. We were going to an all girl tea party so we decided that Ryan was are little Sara and off we went.
But as you can see he is always a very happy baby.

More pictures remembering the first year of Ryan's life.

Happy Birthday Ryan

Happy Birthday Ryan!
I can hardly believe that he came into my life one year ago. He has been a joy beyond believe. I don’t think you could have asked for a happier easier going baby. Ryan was completely sleeping through the night by the time he was 1 month old. He was always content. When Mommy was so sick he would sit on my bed in his car seat all day long and he would be happy to hold my finger. He rarely is fussy usually it went that something was really wrong and ear infection or other illness. He has brought joy to everyone in this family. I look back at the last year of my little Ry-Ry breads life and see so much love. He was a surprise to us and one that I would never give back. I thank God that he knows so much more than we do that he gives us joys and blessings and things that we don’t think we want. I love everything about Ryan… I love to listen to him giggle. I love to watch him play with his brothers or sisters. I love his little smile and to see him in the bath. I love to hear Ryan as he repeats little words and phrases. I look forward to all the joy that Ryan will bring to our lives through out the years. I invite you to look back on a few of them memories we have collected of our little Ryan. I look forward to collecting many more. Ryan will always be my baby, and I hope he always knows just how special he is to me.

Haloween 2009

Haloween 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ryan Luke

Ryan has learned to blow kisses so he goes around blowing kisses all day. Then he does his next trick which is to clap his hands and Cheer for himself. He also loves to give high five. He is very cute and social he is always standing up against things and then he climbs up onto something like the couch or Katie and Sammy's bed then he is stuck. Ryan has sleep through the night sense he was a month old and is the happiest baby I have seen, even when he is sick he has to stop and give you a big smile. He knows he is EverReady's baby.