Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New year in 2012!

2011 has been a long hard year fraught with never ending trials and tribulation.  So often I can look back and say I am grateful to have gone through the trials I went through, that I would whole hardly choose to go through those trials again because of the growth that took place that would not have otherwise taken place… 2011 is not one of those years; although I can say my life was still greatly blessed. I am so thankful for all the blessings the Lord has given me to help me get through the tuff times. I am grateful for all the people who have acted as instruments of God to help great blessing pour out on me and my families head. We were so richly blessed this past holiday season, I don’t know how so many people knew of our needs, and yet I have never felt more love for myself and my family. As I say goodbye 2011 I am so Thankful to say the Lord will never leave us alone in are time of need, no matter what the future has in store for me I know the Lord will be there. I also know that so many others are so willing to listen to those sweet whispering of the Lord and be there for us as His hands. No matter what 2011 was like for you I hoe 2012 will be much better, Happier, and more peaceful!  Happy New Year!

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