Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Much to be thankful for!

November is coming to and end I am so excited to be seeing the end of 2011.  This year has been full of so many challenges and I know in the end are corners will be smother our surfaced will be more polished ans I feel like we will shine like a diamond.  The girls are doing well Alex still has a limp but both legs are healing nicely.  Alex has to concentrate to walk with out a limp.  It is interesting Alex being Right dominate  had a hard recovery with the right leg, she was slower then Emily to get up and go but when she did she ended with no limp.  Emily is Left side dominant and she was fast to be able to get up and go put had a limp still at 3 months out.  Then the girls went in for their other leg and Alex was up and moving quicker she was better on her crutches first out of the wheel chair but she has a limp.  Emily struggled more in the beginning and she does not have a limp.  I guess if you have to have the same thing done I would say do your dominate side last!

Jason has topped out of three types of asthma controller medication: he is on three Allergy medications and about to get shots.  she has also been on an extra steroid predisone; but he still is having trouble breathing.  We found out he was allergic to cats but not dogs.  So we got rid of the kittens.  ( I am officially the meanest mom in the entire world and will wake up on Christmas morning with nothing in my stocking but a mouse saying ha ha you are so mean you can have this SANTA.  Well I hope Jason is wrong about that considering I have a major phobia about rodents, and will understand that Jason needing to breath was really important.We did get The family a new pet, a dog.  He is a 4 month Golden retriever - White lab mix.  He is a very good calm dog.  He has not barked yet in 4 days he listens and is potty trained.  We are working on more training but so far he is real good.   Jason went from hating the dog to think he was not to bad to loving him in the 4 days we have had him.  He lets Ryan lay all over him and try to ride him.  I think we have gotten our selves a good pet.I am going to take a picture with my phone and see if I can upload it on her other wise it will be a coupe days before I post a picture.

We signed all the paper work and I believe the bank officially owns the rental.  All I can say  is never rent your property out!  There are good renters out there but all it takes is one like we had to do about $40,000 in damage and the place is destroyed.  I hope some one buys it cheap from the bank and can fix it up but it is heart wrenching to know I will always be left with the image of walking in to that house and seeing all the damage and those 30+ cats.  I do not hate  the lady who did this I pity her life what a sad existence that you had no one and brought in all these animals to try to feel your life and how very sad to think you laid down and died in the huge piles of animal feces.

I am grateful for my family I love them all so much and I am grateful for our thanksgiving tree, this year we made a tree on the wall then every day for the month everyone put a leave on it saying something they were grateful for.  Tomorrow we will have 100 leaves on our tree!  What a joy it is to see and hear all the things the kids are thankful for.  This is going to be our new tradition and I am excited to watch how things change each year.

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