Monday, September 6, 2010

Jason's Baptism

July 31, 2010
Jason became a Member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints. I am so proud of Jason this was something he really wanted to do. We have talked so much about testimonies and weather the church is true. We study the scriptures as a family and Jason also love to study them by himself. I was so pleased with Jason because he made this decision on his own. I love listening to my children's testimonies.

Jason I love you! You are a wonderful sweet little boy with so much love to give. I love how kind and gentle you can be. I am grateful for all the things you do to help out in our family. But most of all I am grateful that you are my little boy. God gave you to me to raie her on earth. I hope you always know that I love you so much and that no matter how much I love you your Father in Heaven loves you even more then me.

Remember when you make mistakes and you will make mistakes that you can and should quickly repent. God and your father and I will always love you. We hope you always hold strong to the Iron Rod.

Love always,

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