Monday, September 6, 2010

First day of School.

August 18, 2010
The first day of the 2010-2011 School year. How quickly time flies. I was excited to send the kids back to school. We had a good summer but the kids were ready to go back and I was ready to have more peace and quite in the family. I can hardly believe I have 6 of my kids now in school. Alex is in 7th grade. She thinks this is wonderful and is excited to be taking new and excitation classes. She loves the idea of not being with the same people all the time. All tough I think it will also be some what of a challenge for her to be were she is not babied so much it is completely her responsibility now with school. I hope she can develop good study habits and that she will have a great year. She will also taking Math, English, Science, PE, Choir, Art Humanities, CTE, and next semester she will have History. She will also be in two clubs Japanese and the Book club.

Emily is now in 6th grade and is very excited for a wonderful new year. She really like her teacher and was thrilled to realize that her Grandma is one of her teachers absolute favorite storytellers. Plus her teacher thinks that Eric is just so amazing and having him come in this year for Rockets and he is going to teach some computer programing to the kids. This year 6th graders will all be rotating every day with the other teachers for several of their lessons. This is to help them get ready for junior high. Emily is also on the Ballroom Dance team and she is doing show Choir. I know Emily is going to have an amazing year. She has also been teaching several girls and teachers all about how I do her hair. They will come up to her quite often loving her her and wanting to know how I did it so this has made Emily feel so special.

David is now in 5th grade so he too is now over in the Jr. High building. He has a locker which he has now figured out how to open. He has some friends in his class and is really getting excited for a great year. He to will rotate to all the 5th grade teachers only he only goes to one different teacher each day. He is doing choir and is excited because he gets to play the mallets for the concert this year. Eric will also becoming to his class again this year he will be doing the computer programing class for him were he will teach the kids to be able to program their own calculator into the computers.

Jason is my big 3rd grader He is my oldest in the K-4 school, so he knows he is pretty grown up. He is pretty excited with his class and really loves his teacher. He too will be doing Choir he is only sad that he is in the 3-5 choir because Mommy is the co-director of the beginners choir. Daddy will come to his class to teach a fun and exciting lesson ... Eric just has to come up with an idea for 3rd and 1st.

Brandon is in First grade. He is really enjoying it. He loves taking his lunch to school each day and is enjoying his teacher. He is very excited to learn a lot this year and talks about school all the time. He can hardly wait for Eric to come teach his class .

My Little Katie is now in Kindergarten. She loves school with all her heart. She is quite the social bug and loves making new friends. She came home the first day to tell us all about her new friends their names were; cute girl (she wore a cute dress just like Katie's and had her hair all cute) Emily ( well I wonder why she could remember that name) other girl and no peanut butter girl (a little girl who is allergic to peanuts so no one is allowed to come to school after they have eaten peanut butter.) Katie was known as cute hair girl. She has gone to school every day with her hair all curly and fancy and bows in her hair. She loves learning and rushes home to tell me all about her day and all the new things she has learned. Eric will come to her class to this year there he will teach about color and light.

Jason's Baptism

July 31, 2010
Jason became a Member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints. I am so proud of Jason this was something he really wanted to do. We have talked so much about testimonies and weather the church is true. We study the scriptures as a family and Jason also love to study them by himself. I was so pleased with Jason because he made this decision on his own. I love listening to my children's testimonies.

Jason I love you! You are a wonderful sweet little boy with so much love to give. I love how kind and gentle you can be. I am grateful for all the things you do to help out in our family. But most of all I am grateful that you are my little boy. God gave you to me to raie her on earth. I hope you always know that I love you so much and that no matter how much I love you your Father in Heaven loves you even more then me.

Remember when you make mistakes and you will make mistakes that you can and should quickly repent. God and your father and I will always love you. We hope you always hold strong to the Iron Rod.

Love always,