Monday, February 22, 2010


I can hardly believe that Brandon is 6. He is so full of energy and time can drive me alittle crazy but I love him with all my heart. I recently went to Parent teacher conferences his teacher said she has never seen someone make as much improvement as Brandon has. He loves school and loves to be learning new things every day. Brandon has a great thirst for knowledge. I don't push the kids a lot while they are little just work with the basics and let them progress at the own rate. We have never done preschool but you can not tell that Brandon is one of the few kids who did not go to preschool. He is right up there and in somethings at the top of his class. I am so glad that he has adjusted so well. It is fun to listen to him read his little books to me then he reads them to Katie who takes them and reads them back to him. If he says she did well enough she goes off to read them to Sammy. For Brandon's birthday he got to have his Birthday party. But what do you do for a party this time of year. I did not want all the kids to come to the house because he invited his whole primary class, and a few from school. It is to cold to hold one out side but then I found out Arctic circle does them for free plus you get 15% off any thing you order. So we went there the kids played and had a great time. I am so grateful to have my Brandon in my life. I love him dearly. When I tell him How much I love him he tells me, "I know You cant help it everyone just has to love me!" I hope he always knows how much I love him.

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