Monday, September 5, 2011

Summer came and then it went.

I can not believe how fast time as gone,  We had a crazy summer. Emily tuned 12 and started young womens and then went to girls camp for the first time an Alex was there for her second year.  Jason turned 9, Katie 6 and Sammy 4.  Then on the 24th of June Alex and Emily had surgery to correct their Femoral anteversion (in-toeing due to twisting of the thigh bone). They had this on their right thigh.  The possess was long.  Basically the doctor had to going and slice threw the thigh bone, in the girls case he had to rotate each of their bone 30 degrees.  Then he place a meddle rod through the leg and inserted pins or screw to keep in place.  He did this all with only two incisions one at the hip about an inch long and the other just above the knee which is only 1/4 of an inch long.  before the girls woke up he would but in a pain block (Basically the same thing as an epidural except it is in the hip and goes down the leg only.  This would help with the majority of the pain.  The girls still had to be on oxycodone and Valium but this helped with the majority of the pain.  Emily came through hers with flying colors; Alex had some problems with hers when he did the block it went up instead of down, since she was asleep he did not know this.  When they brought her to the recovery room she woke up with 100% of the pain.  They had to put her on Fentanyl and keep giving it to her until the anesthesiologist could do another block.  I have to say it was the worst thing I have ever gone through watching my child be in so much pain and there was nothing I could do about it except try and talk calmly to her.   then she would start to fall asleep but her oxygen rate would drop and we would have to rouse her then she would scream out in so much pain, once again they would have to give her more Fentanyl and we would start the whole process over.  When they put the second block in they sent me away I had to go find a place in the hospital where I could cry I hope I never have to see one of my children in that kind of pain.  

After her block and everything was stable she came up to her room, the girls had conjoining rooms so we just left the door open and I was able to be with them both the whole time.  Emily was better off that entire day then Alex, But I keep talking with Alex and showing her how her sister was doing and promising her it would get better and that this was not the normal thing.  Luckily Alex does not remember allot about it except that she was  in a lot more pain then Emily.
They had no cast because the pins support all the weight for the leg.  they used there crutches for 4 and 4.5 weeks.  The Doctor said they could quit using them after three but they still felt it hurt to much so we let them deiced when to stop using them.  Then they went down to one crutch and then just to walking.  We were able to see the bone growth at 3 weeks after and again at 8.5 weeks. there has been allot of bone growth the breaks are not fully healed but both are looking good.  The girls still walk with a limp but there right leg is straight.  They will go back in and have the left leg done on the 27th of September. which will be 13 1/2 weeks from when the first one was done.  They are nervous for this they know what kid of pain to expect.  This time we have lots of ice packs on hand so they can continually change ice packs, we know to just give pain meds every 3 hours that Valium will cause them to sleep lots.  And this time they will have to go back to school.  This time we will be renting a wheel chair to help the girls be able to get around while they are at school.  Alex is afraid of the block not working right again but I told her it is really unlikely.  

On July 5 Ryan had surgery to correct his eyes it is called bi-medial recession it basically corrects the eye mussel and makes them work together.  Basically Ry-ry had two lazy eyes and this makes it so they can both work together.  David to has the same problem when he was two we took him to several ophthalmologists and they all said it would correct itself they were wrong, When Ry-Ry go referred to this ophthalmologist ad he was willing to fix the problem we had him look at David, David will be having the same surgery on Tuesday.  The sad thing is while it should work good to make they eyes appear to be looking together there is only about a 5% chance that it will actually work so thew brain tells both eyes they can see at the same time. We are praying that we are one of the lucky ones and this will work he has very littl depth perception because they don't both work together.  Ryan's recovery was fairly quick he was a little ornery being two it was hard to get him to talk about it, he also deiced he would not take any medicine, and he gave up eating for a week.  So the trick was to put ibuprofen infant drops in his cup of chocolate milk, he would drink his milk and be happy about 20 minutes latter.  Daddy tried mixing it in so e pudding once, to bad Ryan saw him but something in his pudding then he refused to eat the pudding and cried for an hour before I came home and fixed him a "good" cup of chocolate milk.  With David being 11 I hope we don't have to mix his ibuprofen in his milk. 

In August David had his birthday and turned 11 3 days latter the kids started school on the 17.  It is nice having them back in school after a long summer.  Katie is in 1st Brandon 2nd Jason 4th David 6th Emily 7th and Alex 8th wired to think next year I will have seven of my kids at the same school.  then When they go to high school they will go just to the regular public school.  I will try and post their 1st day pictures but I took them on my phone so I will have to figure how I can send them to the blog if possible.