Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sweet "sand"

Sammy and Ryan love sand and love to play in the sand box every chance they get. Sammy caries a set of his sand toys around with him, he takes a bath with them sleeps with them, puts his other most favorite toys in his bucket so it can all go were ever he goes. Well on Wednesday Alex needed to make cookies for YW. We keep our Sugar and flour in 5 gallon buckets. She was in a hurry so she did not get the lid on tight. Well Sammy and Ryan started playing around the buckets and discovered the lid was loose.... When I walked down to the kitchen there was a pile of sugar on the floor. They knocked over the bucket and had Sammy's sand toys out digging and playing in the sweetest sand ever. They were having a wonderful time and were very sad tat mommy came and ruined all the fun. They stood there with big crocodile tears as I sweep up and threw away their "sand". This sand tasted yummy if you accidentally got any in your mouth. I have to admit it was funny to see. At least the bucket was less ten a quarter full. By te way sugar sticks to little boys more ten sand.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hair, Hair, Hair!

Here is two of Alex's I don't think you can see how cute it was for the play both girls love this style. I will have to take another one of it soon.
Alex did a great job in her play she was the main narrator. She had several lines and even a solo. I was so proud of her. The play sold out every night, we even turned people away. Next year the play will be 4 days. We are going to do Charlie and the Chocolate factory I am hoping Emily makes it and has as wonderful of a year as Alex has had. I can hardly believe in three weeks she will have come to an end of her elementary year.

Hair, Hair, Hair!

We have been having a lot of fun with Hair lately. So we thought we would share some pictures.
This is Emily's hair as we weaved ribbon through two inside out French braids (Dutch braids). Then we joined the two braids and curled the ribbon adding a few extra ribbons. I think it turned out beautiful.

Next we did Katie's Hair. We have done several different ways but here is pictures of two. I really need to take some of some of our other ways we have been doing it.

8 little monkeys

This is Ryan's favorite song. He loves to sing this and as you can see he does all the actions.
8 little monkey's swinging in the tree.
Teasing Mr. Alligator "Can't catch me!"
Along comes the alligator quiet as can be and snaps a monkey right out of that tree.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day 2010

Mothers day is a day filled with hugs and loves from all your children. A day when they each make you their special gifts. I revived a painted flower pot from one. Lets hope I remember to water it and not let it die. I always have a tough time with that. If it does die I think I will fill it with green plant foam spray painted black, and fill it with silk flowers. I received a picture drawn Brandon in a pop cycle stick frame. He had glued paper harts to the frame. but then he deiced that they covered to much of his picture so he ripped them off before given them to me. David made a heart picture out of string sewn on paper. Alex and Emily wrote me poems that made me laugh. I will share them with you.

MOM ~ by Emily
My mom is spectacular!
She is as beautiful as a rose,
Loving as a cat
and as busy as a bee.

Though sometimes I make her grumpy like a bear.
She is as brilliant as Enstien,
She is as kind as a kitten,
and a humble as a bee.

You're as sweet as chocolate,
You're as kind as a rose,
You're as loving as a chocolate cake,
You're as pretty as a diamond,
You're as beautiful as a sunset,
You're as brave as a knight,
You're as fun as going on vacation,
You're as creative as an artist,
You're as extraordinary space,
You're as caring as a new baby,
You're as patient as a piece of paper,
You're as neat as a brand new house.

I have to say it was a wonderful day. Then the kids got together and made dinner. Everyone got to help cooking something Even if there part was "cooking peaches by opening the bottle and putting them on the table. The best part of being a Mom is the way your children love you and those little moments together. I love being a mom, it gets crazy with 8 kids but oh so worth it. We have had a great weekend working in the yard and getting everything ready for summer. Summer will quickly be here. We have 17 Days left of school.