Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a wonderful Easter. we spent the day watching General Conference. Then at dinner we talked all about things we learned in conference. Then we had a wonderful Family Home Evening on Jesus and the End of his life. We discussed Thursday night, with the last supper and the atonement. Then his betrayal and mock trial. The Crucifixion of Christ and then on Sunday his Resurrection. The children did the entire lesson. We just keep asking questions and they taught the whole thing. I gave them the scriptures to look up earlier in the day. It was a wonderful lesson and we could feel the spirit of the Lord so strongly.

The Easter bunny did not come on Sunday. We want to keep the spiritual reason for Easter separate from the secular fun. On Monday, the Easter Bunny came. The baskets were hidden throughout the house. The kids had allot of fun looking for them. We wanted to have ad Easter egg hunt out side but it was so cold that we decided to wait a few days. We also got busy with our spring cleaning. We cleaned out the playroom and took a trip to the dumps. I got the carpet cleaned in 4 of the rooms. We have been doing a little bit each day. It will probably take the whole month to get it all done our list has 400 things on it.

I got a new carpet cleaner for my anniversary, it is a Rug Doctor. and it does a wonderful job. I use a little goop on stubborn stains and the carpet looks practically new. The kids go back to school on Monday and I think they will be so glad they hate that it is "SPRING CLEANING BREAK" but I want the whole house to be clean. Tomorrow we tackle the girl's carpet.

At the end if the month we will have Alex's school play. She is one of the narrators in 101 DALMATIANS. She is so excited because this is the first time she has had a leading role. She has done a great job. We are going to give her flowers for doing it she has memorized so many lines and worked real hard. I am glad she got this opportunity.

I keep thinking that in two months we will be having a 6Th grade and kindergarten Graduation. Next year I will have 6 in school. I hope they build a high school I think it would make it very nice to have all my kids at the same school then they would never have to really be alone.